The original Charter of the CII.
Pi 535″Ib dia [sl qs -g
codification and amendment of the Acts rdating to In> .lfmi«u er, North British anR·,oyal lnsu,·a1100Co., Lld., Manchester . . IJ/’mw/1Jhrnw; er,Cornmercial Union Al!Sut·-
stitution, Kottinghnm. · Occn11AccidcntandG11nrantvcCorpont.tion,
.JMrns )I. SC01’T C. SHUTT
· /,0(‘•1l Nm1,1yer. London nnd Lancashire Fire Insumn(;c Co., Belfast. – &crctary, Allinnce Assur,mcc Co., Ltd., Newcnstlc.
Ltd., Jl nnlcy. · Secnlary, Commct·cinl Union A11surirncc Co., I,U.I.,London.
. JJ/(,rnriyiua Jlfr-uto,·, Kin g Jnsurnnco Co., Ltd., l.,ondon.
· L<:tl.llh.maycr, Atins Assurance Co.. Ltd.,
· · .
L0 1· cmploye~ of nny pMticulnr ell\.$$of Insura11co Comp.-i.ny.
14-. llonomry ~Iembers shnll be those who mny be deemed WOl’thyof the distinction and likely to promote ihe objects of ‘fhe lm;titutc, nnd nre duly elected n:; Ho nornry .Fellows 01· Honomry AS$0Cintesby the ;\nnunl Confeienee of ‘l’he ]n~litute on the recommendation of the Council. ‘fhe nnme$; of Honomry Members shall be publi:.heC:~tino, a lteration, 01· amendment will be ta.ken into consideration thereat, and has been allowed by the Lords of Otu· P ri vy Counc il , of which nllowance a certificate
under the hand of the Clerk of Our Privy Council shall be con- clusive evidence.
24. The first to be made under these Presents shall be n1ade by the Council, and app ro ved by the Annual Conference or a Gt:nem.l :Meeting of Th e Institute within t,he period of one year from the date of these Presents, unless the Lords of Our
Privy Council shnll see fit to extend such period, ~of which ex- tension the Certificate of the Clerk to Om· Privy Com1cil f-hall be -eonclusive evidence.
25. Pending the making and approval of the Bye-laws to be mnde under these Presents, but no longer, the Articles of the 8[1.idVoluntary Association or Society known as The Insurance Jnst itute of Great Britain and Ireland shall, so far ilS they are not inconsistent with the provi1,ionsof these P1·esents, be the Bye- laws of ‘fhe Institute, and sha\! have effect as though The Institute, its Officet’Sand Members had the 1-ein been re£erred to throughout in lieu to the said Volunt.ary Association or Society, its Officers and Members.
26. ‘l’ho property and moneys of the snid Voluntary Associa- tion 01· Society shall from the (late of the!=;ePresents become and ba deemed to be the property and moneys of ‘l’he Inst itute, and shall, as soon I\.S may be, be duly trilnsferred to ‘fhe I nst itute, or such person or persons on its behalf AA the Bye-laws may prescl’ibe.
27. Ami WE do he1·eby, for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, grant n.nd dechre t hat these Our Lette rs Patent, or the enrol ment or exemplification thereof, shall be in all things good, firm, valid, and effectual, acc0t·ding to t,he true intent and mean ing of t h e sam e, and shall be taken, construed, and adjudged, in a ll
·Our Courts or elsewhere, in the most favourable 3nd beneficial
sense and Institute, perfection,
for the best advant.1.,geof The Cha r tered I nsurance any mis-recital, non-rec ital, om ission, defect, im- matter, or thing whatsoever notw ithstanding.
I N WI’ f NESS whereof WE hnve cnusecl these Our Lette rs to be made Patent.
Witness Ourself at , vcstminster the Fift h day of Feb r uary, in the Second year of Our Reign,
By Warrant under the hands of the Lords Commissioners in the name and on behnlf of His 0fajesty .
l. ‘l’hese- Bye-laws shall come into operation as soon as they :are :1.llowedby the Lords of His Majesty’s .Most Honourable Privy -Council.
2. \Vord s in these Bye-hws have the meaning as in the ·Charte1·; and reference s herein to Membel’S, Fellows, Associate.s, Honorrwy Member s , Cor1·espo11dingMembers, and Meetings are to be construed as having reference to Members, Fellows, Associates, Honorilry Members, Coi·responding Members, and
Meetings of the Chartered Insurance Institute; and in the interpretation of these Bye-laws the following words and ex- pressions shall have the foHowing meanings, unless such meaning js excluded by the subject or context: –
” ‘l’he Bye-laws” means the of the Institute for the time being.
“The Council” means the Council for the time being of the Institute, a.s constituted pm’Suant to the provisions of the Charter and the Bye-hws.
“Local Institute” means a Local Insurance Institute for the time being flfPrOved by the Council and contributing annually to the funds of the Institute, ns provided by Clause 13 of the Charter.
“General Meeting” includes Annual Conference and Special
“Specia l Resolution” men.nsa 1·esolution (whether proposed :\S t\ “flpecial resolution” or not) passed nt a Geneml i\leeting, convened wit h notice of suc h resolution, by a majority of not less thnn three-fourths of the voting represcnt:1tives present and voting Lhm-eat.,or in the cnse of ft poll by :\ mnjo1·ity of not less than three-fourths of the Members whose ,·otes shall h:we been allowed.
·’Month” means culend:w month.
‘fhe masculine gender includes the feminine gender.
“In writing” mean s writ,ten, printed, typed, 01· p1·oduced by
any other substitute fo1· writing, or pllrtly one and partly fl.nother.
3. ‘l’he Members of tl1eIn stitute slmll consist of (1) Members of Local Institutes , incluriing those who may be electoo. as Fellows and Ai;sociates; (2) Honorary Member~, described as Honorary Fellows and llonomry Associates; find (3) Corresponding Members.
4. Fellows shall comprise eve1-y person who shall have been elected by the Council flS such on 01· before the 31st day of December, 1912, in nccwdance with Clrrnse 16 (a) of the Charter, and shnJI pay the presca·ibed fees and sub:;c1·iptions, nnd eve1y other person thereafter elected ot· to be elected ns such by the Council under Clause 16 (b) of the Charl;er.
5. Every candidate fo1· the election into the class of F ellows after the 31st day of December , 1912, shall be not less than twenty-fiv e years of age, find shall comply with the fo\Jowing conditions: –
(a) He shall have passed such qualifying examinations as the Council may prescribe unde1·Clause 16 (b)of the Chart;er, unless specially exempted pursuant to Bye-law 55.
(b) He shall pay the prescl’ibed fees aud subscript ions. AssoclATJ:::.s.
elected by the Council as such on 01· before the 31st day of
Associates shall comprise every person who sha ll ha ve been
December, I912, in a.ccordanoowith Clause 16 (a) of the Charter, and slull pay the pt’escl’lbed fees and subscriptions, fl.nd every other person thet-eaftei· elected or to be elected as such by the Council under Clause 16 (b) of the Charter.
7. Every candidate fo1·election into the class of Associa.tes after the 31st day of December, 1912, shall be not less than twenty-one years of nge, ,ind shall comply with the following conditions: –
(a) He shall have pas.5ed such qualifying examinations as the Council may prescribe under Clause 16 (b) of the Charter, unless specially exempted pursuant to Bye-hw 55.
(b) He shall pay the prescribed fees and subscriptions.
HoNOUAllY l\’11::M:BJ.:itS.
8. Honorary Members slrnJl be those persons who shall be deemed worthy by the ()ouncil of election ns Honorary l?ellows or Honorary AIIS()(;irLtens,,nd who shn\l be elected as such by n,Special Resolution passed at an Annual Confe1·ence.
\’.l. One month’s notice in writi11g shnll be given by the Council to Locn.l Institute of the of every person recommended by the Council fot· election as an Honoi·;wy .Fellow or Honort1ry Associate.
10. Hono1·ary Membe1~ sh:1Jl be entitled lo the ordinM·y privileges of membership, except the right to vote or tak~ part in the management of the flfTo.irsof the Institute. They shall not be required to contribute to the funds of the Institute.
11. Corresponding Membm·s shall be those persons hn,ving the qualifications mentioned in Chuse 15 of the Charter, who shall be deemed by the Council to be fit and proper persons for lhe position, and who shall be elected as Corresponding Members by;.\. special resolution passed at the Annual Conference. Corres- ponding Members shall pay the prescl’ibed fees and subscript.ions.
12. One month’s notice in writing shall be given to each Local Institute of the name of every person recommended by the -Oouncil for election :\S .\. Corresponding Member.
13. Correi:ponding Yembers shall be entit,Jed to the ordinary privileges of membership, except the right to vote or take part in the management of the affairs of the Institute, subject neverthe- less to the provisions of Clause 15 of the Charter and to the Bye-laws. A Corresponding Member shall be entitled to one copy of the Journnl of the Institute at the same price as is charged to the members of Local Inst.itutes, plus the co!>tof carriage.
14. All Members and Honorary Members of the Institute .shall, subject to any restriction s which may be imposed by the Bye-laws, be entitled t.o be present at all Geneml :Meetings of the [n st i t.ute and to take part in the discuss ion of bm,iness tl1ereat, .and to such other right;s as may be confeITed upon them by the
.Charter, the,and any regulations made thereunder. REGISTER 01′ MEMBERS .
15. Registers shall be kept containing the names of all members, showing the dates when they were elected to member- ship, to any particular class or degree of membership, ceased to he members, or were re-admitt.ed, wit,h such further particulars as the Gouncil may determine. Each of the Local Institutes shall, not later than 28th February in ench year, furnish t,o the Secretary of the In stitute a list of its members as at 1st January of the current yenr, with particulars of their addresses n.nd of the officia.Jpositions held by them respectively, or, as the case may be, of any additions t,o or changes in any list previously furnished. In the case of members not being members of a .LocnlInstitute, similar particulars shall bo furnished by them re$pectively on election, and changes in such particulars from time to time notified to the Council.
16. The subscriptions t,o the Institute payable by the Local Institutes pursuant 00 Clause 13 of the Charter shall be fixed from :year 00 yenr by resolution of the Aqnual Confe1·ence. All
-other subscriptions and fees shall be fixed by the Council, and t ouncil hall have power, in cases of ill-health misfortune ‘ildvanced age, r on ot ier grounds which t ey shall think sufficient, to rem1Eall or any pa.rt-of the subscription or fees, or any arrears thereof, due from any member. ‘fhe Council may also fix rates .at which any subscriptions or fees may be compounded.
17. All subscriptions shall be for the period from the date of the Annual Conference in one ye.-‘l..tro the date of the next Annual ·Conference, and shall be due to the Institute and paid to the Treasurer thet·oof within three months from the date of the .Annual Conference fixing the same.
18. Until othe r wise determined by npecial resolution, the fees payable by Fellows and Associates, in addition to the subscription payable under Bye-law 16, shall not exceed the foUowing rates, namely, the fee payable on election as a Fellow without having first been an Associate, £5 5s. OO$ea,t which not less t,htm twenty membe r s of th e Council are present, a r~solution is pa$SOOby a majo1i·ty of not less than three-fomths of those present and voting, declaring the officeof such member vacant.
30. Any vacancy in the Council may be filled up (a) in the of an “e lected membe1·,” by the Locn.l Institute by whom the member, whose officeis va.c3.ted,was elected, and (b) in the case of a “nomintttcd member,” by resolution of the Council passe of the Institute.
(6) To invest nil funds not immediately required for the purposes of the Institute in the Dllme of the Institute or any two or more members of the Counc il , in any investments approved by the Council, with power from time to time to vary such investments, and t,o pince money on deposit with any bl\nkel’s.
(7) ‘l’o borrow money temporarily and to pny interef>-t thereon.
(8) With the consent of n Gcnernl Meeting, t,o make such provision for pensioning retired officers or sermn ts, whether by agreement at the time of appointment or
Subject to the provisions of the Cha r te r and Bye- laws, to cnte1· in t.o such contmcts and to do nil such acts and things as they think expedient for the purposes of the In stit ute.
employment, or otherwise, as to the Council may seem just, and genera.By to cany into ef18ctany of the objects mentioned in Clau se 4 (k) of th e Chm·ter.
(9) To employ any part of the funds of the Institute in the payment of lecturer;;, ancl the foundation or grant of scholarships, exhibitions, prizes, and medals in connectio n with any of the subjects of the examinations held by the Institute, 01· uthorwise.
(10) ‘l’o pay the reasonable trave lling ancl out·of-pocket expenses of the members of the Council incurred in attend ing General Meetings or meeting s of the Council or any Committee t hereof, and to repa.y to a ny member any expenses actually incurred by him in the business or on behalf of the InstitHte.
(11) F1·om time to time to fl.ppoint any persons to act as Lorol, Colonial, or :Foreign representatives or agents of the fnstitute, either in an hor.orary capacity, or at a. remuncmtiOn, and gencnllly on snch terms and for such period as t he Council may dcte 1mine.
39. ‘l’he Council may appoint Committees, and delegate to them ·any of the powe,·s of the Council, or as,,;ignto them such duties as may be agreed. The Committeefi shall in the exercise of t l1eir powers confol’ln to any instructions giren by the Council, but s hall in all othe r respects regulate thei r own procedure. ‘l’he Pre sident shall bo entit led to attend nucl to take the Chair fl.t all meet ing:; of such Connni tteefi.
.A:sNu,u, Co:sn,:1n:s:c~:AS:DSPECIAL Mt:h’T1xc:s.
40. ‘l’h e An nual Conferen ce sha ll be held on such day , in the month of June, and at such place in the Uni ted Kingdom, as the Council may from time t-otime dete rmine. Th e ordinary busine ss
be allowed to act as voting rcpl’esentative .
In default of such notice being given by a Local In stitute, or in ·the absence of its voting representative n.ppointed as aforesaid, the Presideot of such Loc11.Institute, or in his absence any member of the Council of such Local Institute (to be selected by the Chairman of the meeting), may, with the consent of Lhemeeting,
48. In the event of an equality of votes the Chairman shall have a. casting vote, in nddition to t he vote to which he may be
-entit led Ma voting representative.
49. A poll of the members of the In st itute entitled to vote ml\y l.lfldemanded in ,Vl’iting by not less than one-third of the voting representatives present at the meeting, or by thi1ty members compri:;ing at least one member of tho l’espective Councils of not less than one-quarter of the Local Ins titutes, and the result of the poll slrn.11be deemed to be the resolution of the meeting at which the poll is demanded. Every such poll shall be taken in the following ma.nuer:-
(a) ‘l’he Chai1mnn sha.11forthwith reduce the resolutions 01· amendmeuts on which the poll is to be taken into such form as in l1is opinion is best calculated to take the sense of the members upon t he subst.’l.ntial question 01’ questions involved.
(b) ‘l’he Council slrn.11settle a form of voting paper, in accordance with the decision of the Chairman under the last preceding paragraph, and shall within ten days afte r the meeting fo!’wurd a copy to ench Local Institute.
{c) Within four days after receipt of such form, the Council of each .Local Institute shall send copies thereof to iUI members at their registered addresses, wiLh instruc t ions to retu r n the same to tho Secrettu-y of such Local Institute on or before a da.te to be named in the voting paper, which date, in the absence of direction to the contrary by a resolutiou of the meeting at which the
poll was demanded, shall be the twenty- fin,t day after such meeting.
44. At every Geneml Meeting the chair shall be taken by tho- President, or in his absence by one of the Vice-P,·osidents, whom failing, :\ Chairnum shall be elected from among the members of the Council proscnt; or, in the absence of all of them, from,lmong the present.
45. ‘l’he Chnfrman of any General Meeting may, with the- consent of the meeti ng, adjourn tho meeting from t ime to time and from plA.Ceto place, but no business shall be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than the left unfinished at the meeting from which the adjournment took place. No notice need be given of an adjourned meeting unless it be so dfrected in the resolution £or adjournment.
46. A.IIpast P residents oEthe In stitute, the Exri,minOl’:3for the time beir.g of the Institute, the E’ounde1·and the Chairman for the time being of the Insurance Clerks’ Orphanage, nnd any other person s whom the Council may think fit to invite , sha.11be entiUed to attend the Annual Conference.
47. At e\1e1·yGenel’al Meeting the voting shall in the first instance be hy Local Institutes, each Local Institute being eut,itled to one vote, :rnd being represented fm· the purpose by a member thereof, herein referred to as” the voting representative.” Notice shall be sent to the Secretary of the Institute, not less t han four d:tys prior to the date of the meeting, of the names of the voting representafo·es of the Local InstituWS, signed by their respective Secretaries or other acting chief oflicers, as neflrly as possible in the following form:-
‘l’he Insurance Institute of
heruby gives notice that it has appointed
whom failing, whom failing, to act ns its voting rep1″esentative at t he Annua l Conference (01·Special l\:[ooting) of the
Charte 1-ed Insurance day of
Institute , 19
to be held on the
, and at every adjournment
, 19
be allowed to act as voting rcpl’esentative .
In default of such notice being given by a Local In stitute, or in ·the absence of its voting representative n.ppointed as aforesaid, the Presideot of such Loc11.Institute, or in his absence any member of the Council of such Local Institute (to be selected by the Chairman of the meeting), may, with the consent of Lhemeeting,
48. In the event of an equality of votes the Chairman shall have a. casting vote, in nddition to t he vote to which he may be
-entit led Ma voting representative.
49. A poll of the members of the In st itute entitled to vote ml\y l.lfldemanded in ,Vl’iting by not less than one-third of the voting representatives present at the meeting, or by thi1ty members compri:;ing at least one member of tho l’espective Councils of not less than one-quarter of the Local Ins titutes, and the result of the poll slrn.11be deemed to be the resolution of the meeting at which the poll is demanded. Every such poll shall be taken in the following ma.nuer:-
(a) ‘l’he Chai1mnn sha.11forthwith reduce the resolutions 01· amendmeuts on which the poll is to be taken into such form as in l1is opinion is best calculated to take the sense of the members upon t he subst.’l.ntial question 01’ questions involved.
(b) ‘l’he Council slrn.11settle a form of voting paper, in accordance with the decision of the Chairman under the last preceding paragraph, and shall within ten days afte r the meeting fo!’wurd a copy to ench Local Institute.
{c) Within four days after receipt of such form, the Council of each .Local Institute shall send copies thereof to iUI members at their registered addresses, wiLh instruc t ions to retu r n the same to tho Secrettu-y of such Local Institute on or before a da.te to be named in the voting paper, which date, in the absence of direction to the contrary by a resolutiou of the meeting at which the
poll was demanded, shall be the twenty- fin,t day after such meeting.
{d) The Council of each Loci,! [nstitute shall appoint five scr ut ineers, of whom tlu·ee shall form a quorum, an d such scrutineers, within seven days flfter the date pre- scrib ed for the return of the voting papers, shall make an examination thereof and draw up and sign a report of the result of the voting, in which they shall state the total number of voting papers received, the number r ejected, all(l the grounds for rejection.
55. Dispensation from any prescribed course of educ.ition or examination mn.y be grll.nted pursuant to the provisions of Clause 16 (b) of the Charter in except ional cases by resol ution pnssed by a mujority of not less thnn three-fourths of the members of t he (;ouncil present and voting n,t a meeting of the Council convened with notice of such resolution, at which meeting not less than ten members shall be present; provided nevertheless, that no dispensa- tion shall be granted to 1l prospective Fellow or Associate unless he sn.tisfies the Council t ha t h e pos.<;essesthe q unli ficn.tion for a Fellow or Assocfa.te, as the case 1My be, set out in Clause 16 (a) of the Charter.
56. Lists shall be ktlpt of the candid ates, sho wing when they sat, withdrew, p&S.'oedo,r faile d , and contai ning suc h other par - ticulars as the Council may determine.
57. Subject to the restrict ions imposed by Clause 13 of the Charte1·, it shall be lawful for the In stitute by specia l r esolution
of a General Meeting, of which at least one month's notice in writing has been given to the Secretary of each Loca,l Institute, to disqualify :i LocaJ Institute, for a specified period or otherwise, on the ground of it having , in the opinion of tlHl meeting, introduced any practice inconsistent with the objects of the Institute as set fo1·th in the Charter, or injtn·ious thereto, or other- wise infringed these Bye-laws; and such resolution shnll ipso facto terminate the membc1·ship of the Institute held by the members of such Local Institute, ftnd entitle the In stitute to refuse the annual contribution of such Local Institute for the period, if any, named in the resolution, and to forfeit any contr ibution already received from Rn<:hLocnl In stitute in respect of the then current yeRr.
SUSPl::NSlON, Exrur.sTO:-.',RESTGNATlON", AND RE-ADmSSIOX o~· lth::\lmms.
58. 1'here shall be appointed in each year by the Council from a.mong its members a Disciplinary Committee consisting of not less than soven members, of whom three shall form a quorum, for the purpose of investigating questions which ma.y arise under Clause 20 of the Chmter, and of considering questions of pl"Ofessiona\pract ice generally :ind cases of alleged misconduct .
59. If :tny Member, Honorary :Member, O!' Corresponding Member (a) shaJl be in default for n. period of six months in pay- ment of any sub.scription or debt due from him to the Institute, or becomes bankrupt or insolvent, or suspends payment or enters into any composition with his creditors generally, or (b) is found lunatic or becomes of unsound mind, Ol" (c) if he is convicted by any competent tribunal of an offence which in the opinion of tlie Disciplinary Committee renders him unfit to be a member of the Institute, or (d) is othe r wise in the opinion of the Disciplinary Committee unfit to be a member by reason of dishonourable or unprofessional conduct or a of the Bye-laws, the Council, at a meeting COnvened with notice of intention to conside r such resolut,ion, flt which not less than twenty members of the Council shall be present, shall be flt ·liberty, upon passing a resolution to that effect specifying which of the above-mentioned disqua.lifica- tions constitute the ground of the resolution, and by a majority of
not Jess than two-th irds of those present and voting, to exclude him from membership and remove his from tho registe r of membe1'S, or to suspend all or :1.ny of his rights of membership (including the right to holrl :1.ny particular deg1·ee or class of membership), or to c..-dlfor and accept his resignation, or to reprimand him, without prejudice to the right of the Institute fo reeover any anears of subscription or other moneys due from him to the Institute. Provided that the person whose conduct is called in question shall be given notice of such meeting, and shall be entitled to appear before the Conncil thereat and to be heard,
either by himself 0 1· by some other member appointed by him in writing, in explanation of his conduct. Provided furthe r tl1at if the resolution is not passed by the requisite mnjority, the Council shall be at liberty to direct that no minute thereof be recorded in the minute book of the Council, fl,Jl1.ndevery ,;uch document slutll be signed by t he two members of the Council in whose pl’esence the Seal is allixed, anti countersigned by t he Sec1·etary .or some othe1· person ttp1>0inted by the Council for Lhepu1·1:iose.
GS. It shall be the dut y of the Secretary to ,l.ttend reg ularly at the office of ,1ie Jnstitut.e, and also at. every meeting of the ] nstitute nnd of t he Council and Committees, to take minutes of the proceedin gs, nnd to read s,wh minu~s at 1,he next meeting. H e shall prepm-e ,uHIe:1.useto be issued all not.ices to be sent to Local Institutes or members. He shall conduct the correspondence of the In st itute in accordanc e with the rules which nuiy from time to time be laid down hy the Council. H e shall obey the instmctions of the ‘l’1·easurcr in all matter6 relating to finance, nnd (}(llfol’msuch othel’ duties 1\S the Council sllflll as.~ign to hiw.
69. The Secretary sh:’11demiuid fl.11J»tyments and subsc 1·iptions as they bet-omedue. He shall keep such books itnd forms M tile Councilshallfromtimetotimedirect,nndheshall,subject tothe general control of the Council, have the supc1·intendence and cluu·ge of all t he minute hooks, letter books, lii.ts, and ,·egisters OOlonging to ~he .Instit ute. H e slw.11keep t he minute books of all meetings of the Institute, and of the Council and Committee s.
70. Any notice may be served by the In st itute upon any Local Institute or upon any member by sending it through the post, pi·epaid, addressed to such Inst itute or member at its or his registei-ed address. ‘l’he 1-egisteredaddress of any Local lnstitute, 01· membet· not beingn. member of a LocuJ Institute, shall bosuch add1-esswithin the United Kingdom us such Inst itute or member, not beiog n.member of a Local Institute, may from time to time det:ignnte to the Sec1-eta1·yof the In st itute in writing, and the
Tm : SEAL.
67. ‘.L’he Council sh:lll provide fo1· the &1.focustody of the Common Seal, which shall never be afiixed to :my rlocument except by orde 1·of the Council, :1.11din the presence of two members of the Council; and every such document shall IJo signed by t he two members of the Council in whose p1·esencethe Seal is nilixed, aml counters igned by t he Sec1·etary .or so me other person appointed by the Council for the purpose.
68. It sh:,11be the duty of t he Sec1·ot,uy to ,ittend regularly at the office of the Jn~titut.e, and also n.t every meeting of the ] nstitute and of the Council and Committees, to take minutes of t he proceedings, nnd to read s,wh minut;es at the n ext mooting. lie shall prepare :md c.:1usct.o be issued all not.ices to be sent to Local Inst itutes or members. He shall conduct the corresponde nce of the In stitute in accordanc e wit h t he rul es which mity from time to time be laid down hy the Council. He shall obey the instructions of the ‘.I.’1·easurcrin all matters relating to fimtnce, and 1:.e1formsuch oLher dutie s as the Counci l slrnll as.’>ign to hiru .
69. The Secretary shalldemand :1.llJ)fl,ymentsand subsc1·iptions as they boc-omedue. He shall keep such books and forms as t 11e Council shall from time to time direct, and he sh:\ll, subject to th o general control of the Council, have the superintendence and cha1·ge of all the minute books, letter books, lists , and r egiste r s belonging to ~he In stit ute. R e shall keep t he minu !.-0books of all meetings of the Institute, and of the Council and Committees.
70. Any notice may be served by the Institute upon any Local In stitute or upon any member by sending it t hrough th e post, p1·epaid, addressed lo such Institute or member at its or his reg istered address. The regi’>tered address of any Local in st it ute, 01· membet· not being a member of a Locnl In stit ute, shall be such address withi n the United IGngdom as such In stitute 01· member , not beiog a member of a Local Ins titute, may from time to time det:ignnte to t he Seeretary of t he Inst itute in writing, and t he
registered adch·essor each membel’ of a LocnJInstitute shall be care of the Loeal Jnstit uOOto which he belongs, except in the cnse of membe1·sof the Council who have notified to the SecreUuy some other add1·essto which they desire notices to be sent, whieh sha ll then be deemed to be their registered Afldress so long as t hey remain memhe1-sof the Council. No Loe.’\\ Institute or membe r of anv Loe.’LlInstitute which shaJl have failed to furnish such 11.ddre~es:hall be ent it led to receive a11y notice from the Institute.
71. Any notice sent by post to a LocaJ Institute m· member, not beiug a member of a Loca1 Institute, shall be deemed to have bee11served il-tthe time when t he same would have been delive red in the ordinary course of the post, and in proving such service it ,;Im.IIbe sufticient to prove that the notice WilS properly >tddresseectivedutiei;,exceptsuchilSlmppcnfromthei1·ownrespective wi[fol default, and no mcmbe1·of the Council 01·othc1· oflice1·shnll be liable foa· :\ny other member of t he Council or oflicer , or for joiningiuact01·receipt,01·fornnynetofconfo1m·ity,orfor11.ny loss happening to the Institute, unle.-:s the same sh;\IJ be due to hi~ own wilful default.
AccoUSTS •-oatTIIY.Yr.AU,
A1)bll8,;ION” O F NEW Loc,u . Affiliatcd Institutes,
Aeaocia.tes (ago 2 1), .
Colonial and l~orcign I nsUtutcs, Corresponding Members,
S u bscription mu st months,
Ao.: LIMI T– Associates (21),
16(a). 16{a).
Polloll’s (25),
As:w,u. Cosrr.1u,:1,0>;, A!,Oint– Exnmincrs CommiU,cc,
24 to 30. 52.
gxi\mincrs (~e «/llic.’1.liosn Committ()(l,
Chairman may adjourn mcctiug of, May appoint ComrniU.tts, Constitution or and Proceedings at,. J)c.:;:ides conclusively l’t Election of
H on . i’ifombor1<,Fellows, nnd .-\880\i:at~,
DutiC $Of,
Decides Qualification for '.\lcmbcrship, Dispensations from 1-:xnmi11ations may be
grnntod by Council. El ootefCouncil nftcr Con.
firs t )lember11of,
l•’ixc11nll Sub!!cri pti ons but J..,_wi6$, l<'ixcsdnt co r Anuunl Conference.
Gcncrnl Powers of,
Gol'crnmcnt of lnl'ltitut o ,·cstct.1in, Journnl. Council ,nay mnkc OI" niry
"· 40.
l..o<;.11In stitutes, Control Mnnngcmcntvcat edin, :\lectingof, nmyboc11lled
Notice of M eeting of-7
Poll. Council cleciA\’S OI’ G1:.\Ct: t·o1: PAnn::..T or Sulli!C1ur. TION-
Allilinted Institutes, Gmontl111,
19. 17.
[,ocn l In st itutes, Subscription, 0 JPI.OMAS,
;J months,
D1sc11•1.,:-:A1wCoi,1l11Tn:E- Duties of,.
58, b9. 58.
To be nppoint.oo year by Council, DtSPP.:,;’SAT/O;,: !’HOM EXA Ml:,;’,\THISS,
D1srOSAl- Ut’ PROl’t:1\1\'”, . DISQUAl-U”ICATIO:,;’01’ LocAJ. iNSTITUTt:S, l) uT1ES or Cou:-:cu.,
36, 37, 38.
1(1-¥CTKD M1rnm: 11s o ~· Cou:-:cu .- Chnirmn n has casting 1·ot.o, Eligible for Re.clootion,
H old Office till opening
26 (g). ‘n.
President takes the Chair,
O,norum at. mooting of, 10, RulcsforElootion,&c.,
To l,e n::port(‘(\ to Annual Confol’enco,
26 (h) . 26 lfl. 25 . 40.
31t.o 35.
Council to arrange, .
Council to appoint l~xaminou Committee
Cn ,\RTF.11.
16, li.
19. 51.
Dispensat ions,
Examiners Committee
List., of Candidates to ho kept, i\l ay appoint other Examiners, SJ*Cial Examinations,
!i5. ,”.·_
gX ,Ulll’/KKS 0oM~ IITTt: E-
Qf 5, to bo11ppoint6tl by Council, Report of, to be submittctl to Council,
1,:xAMIX t;Rs’ RF.PORT TO UK ANNUA i . 0oNl’ERf.NCt-:,
Ex1·uLS1oi- o•· i\h::mnms,
AftiJiated Institu~,
Aasociates, £2 2s. and IOs. Gd., Corresponding Members, .
}’ol\ows, £5 5s. and £ 1 Is.,
Local Tnstitutes (fixeO. :m, 3i , 38.
Powr.RSN’ Cousc11.,
P1n:s rr,t;STOFCou:-.c11,,
P,n:smt:ST or l:sSTITUTI: , ~1aynotho\d Oftloot.woyenrsiu
22. 2’2.
s uooession, PRl\’ 11,EGY.SOl”Co1:lll,:SPOSVJNG .\11:ltln:RS,
13, 10.
Honorary i\lcmbcrs,. PROC}:Y.OINGSOl”Till: Cou1.cr1., PROFIT- No Member may mak e
:tJto 3fi.
Ex-membeni no claim on,.
Of Voluntary property of Power t0ncquire,
A!lllOCiat.ion to
J’orm,, &c., .
26. 66.
P UB1,ICAT10!,S,
In stii
P l!BLICATTOSS COll.\llT’n :Y.o•· T1mr.Y. TO 8£ AC.Rf.ED BY Cou1′”CIL n:ARLY,
PUBLICATIONS ColUll’M’F.F. R1w o1:T TO nt: SUR· ) \l’!Tl:D TO A..’1SUAI. Cost”F.Rt:sm-:,
Q UAl,JFICATIONS – Councildedd<,SOll,
'.l'o be fixed by Uyo-\aws, .
21. 20.
Cornmittcca, . .
Confcre11ce, 30 .',Jembera, rcpresunti11g 6
Local Jostitutea, Council, 10 Membera,
43. 31.
Bn:.1,, 38 (I).